Content Marketing

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a strategic approach focused on creating and distributing valuable,
relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.

What happens when you are looking for answers to a particular question? If you’re like millions of Americans, you start by Googling for an answer.

If you happen to find a great answer, you are more likely to poke around that website a bit. Perhaps you only browse a few blog posts or see what the brand has available for sale. Even if you’re not in the market for those particular products and services, you probably are left with a positive impression of the brand because they helped you solve a momentary problem. That’s the heart of creating a content marketing strategy that sells.

Content Marketing Illustration
Content Marketing Illustration

Can Your Content Marketing
Services Do This?

Each word that goes into your website, on your blog or on your social media should be targeted to grow your audience, improve their perception of your brand and provide your readers with true value. There’s a fine balance between feeling “sales-y” and giving your audience the information that they need to make an informed decision. It’s all too easy to step over this line and alienate your readers, but our professional writers can help you drive sales to your business — without the hard sell.


Honing Your Content Marketing Strategy

Do you have a set structure for your content marketing? How often are you posting on social media? Do you have specific keywords that you try to rotate and cover based on audience interest? These are all components of a successful marketing strategy. Our team will help:


  • Create drip email campaigns for your most important services or products
  • Define the best cadence for sending your email newsletters and blog posts
  • Fashion a content marketing calendar that keeps your content fresh and engaging


Our team has worked with organizations of all sizes — for-profit and non-profit alike — and can help your business appear to its best potential online. Contact Three Trees Media today to get started with your free initial consultation!