Essential Rules for SEO Copywriting

Content Writing

Content marketing may sound like a buzzword as often as you hear it mentioned in marketing circles. Far from simply being a fad, providing interesting information to your readers in a way that helps sell your product is something that will never go out of style. However, your content may not be getting the full credit that it deserves if you are not taking the time to ensure that the SEO (search engine optimization) value is not where it needs to be. Without naturally working in the right keywords, even the best blog copy or website copy can wilt away unnoticed by search engines — and your audience. 

Keeping Content Marketing on Track

Want to ensure that your content is reaching a highly-interested audience that needs the products or services that your brand delivers? These top SEO content tips will help keep your content in the limelight. 

1. Use Keyword Research to Find Search Phrases

How do searchers refer to problems your business can solve? Changing a few simple keywords might make the difference between so-so website visits and dramatically increasing your website traffic.

2. Keep Content Length Appropriate to the Topic and Reader Intent

Have you ever searched for something and simply wanted a quick answer? It’s vital that you match the length of your content to the perceived intent of the search audience. You should have much more in-depth information about a medical-related topic than how to make your favorite mixed drink, for example. 

3. Stop Stuffing Keywords

Realistically, no one wants to read an article or blog post that is nearly illegible due to all the keywords stuffed into the text. You’re writing for humans, not for a Google algorithm. 

4. Create Unique Content

Simply copying an article from another site and posting is going to cause more harm than good for your website’s SEO ratings. Duplicate content is a big no-no in the SEO world, but it’s also important to create timely and interesting articles that people want to read. 

5. Make Your Content Shareable

It’s truly the worst when you spend the time and effort to write a great article but don’t bother to provide your readers with a way to share! A content sharing plan should be fully integrated into your site, including options for sharing via all major social media platforms and via email or shared link.  Optimizing your content for search engines shouldn’t mean that your writing is boring! One of the biggest goals of any search engine is to deliver searchers to relevant, engaging information. Your content marketing should provide your audience with information that helps expand their knowledge and positions your brand as a thought-leader in your field. Want to learn more about the value of SEO copywriting? Contact the professionals at Three Trees Media today at 615-267-3710 or via email to [email protected] for more information.